Minnesota Reserve Officers Grab Shovels To Help Elderly Woman
A trio of West St. Paul Reserve Officers are being hailed as heroes after a Facebook post chronicling their good deed went viral.
An elderly woman called the police because her snow removal service had stopped showing up and she was concerned about being snowed into her home. That's when the three officers grabbed shovels and got to work!
You know who does not get enough credit for the awesome work they do?? Our volunteer Police Reserves! This weekend, a call came out from an elderly female who was concerned about the snow. She had hired a snow removal company for the winter but they stopped showing up. With the heavy snow coming down, she was snowed in and did not know what to do. Reserve Officers Whebbe, Rother and Sell (not pictured) took it upon themselves to help shovel her out until she could get a new snow service scheduled. Our Reserve Officers do so much for this community and our department would not be the same without them!!
While we think of police officers as we see them in movies and television, fighting crime with guns and car chases, we sometimes forget that in addition to their dangerous duties they are constantly going above and beyond to simply help out people in the community that need a hand.
St. Cloud has 25 reserve members and works directly with the SCPD:
The St. Cloud Police Reserve Unit is a volunteer organization dedicated to the goal of assisting the St. Cloud Police Department with trained and uniformed volunteer officers. The Reserve Unit is comprised of 25 members, male and female including a captain, training sergeant, secretary/treasurer sergeant and up to 22 reserve patrol officers. The Reserve Unit works directly through and with the Police Department and has an appointed liaison officer and assistant liaison officer that are full-time police officers. The liaisons report to the Assistant Chief of Police and ultimately to the Chief of Police.
Reserve officers come from all walks of life, according to the SCPD website, and wanting to become a full time officer is not required. In St. Cloud there are currently no openings on the reserve force.