Have You Heard About This Lake Superior Good Luck Trick?
This is going to sound a little weird but I want to apologize to anyone who was in Canal Park, near the actual canal, on Tuesday (June 13th). You probably saw me, dressed in bright blue, hoist myself up to the wall and spit into the lake.
I mean no disrespect to Lake Superior but I heard that it was good luck to spit into the lake before Grandma's Marathon! Whether this is true or not, I am not sure but I decided I need all the luck I can get and let it out in Canal Park.
It just so happened to be an absolutely gorgeous day and one of the warmest of the year so far so Canal Park was absolutely packed! This makes my apology even more sincere because there were many people around, probably wondering what in the world my friend and I were doing.
It might have grossed you out or it may have caused you to do a double take. My apologies to anyone who witnessed this and thought I was just a weirdo. I promise it was just something I did for fun and if you are a Northlander, you know how big of a deal Grandma's Marathon is. Like I said, I need all the luck I can get!
Plus, Lake Superior is a magical place that is surrounded by a ton of folklore. Not only is it stunningly beautiful, but some say it is even a portal to all things supernatural like UFOs and such. By the way, if you need a good Twitter follow, give Lake Superior one! Whoever is behind this account is hilarious.
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