Are Minnesota Vikings Fans Liking the New Reimagined Logo?
Anyone else miss football on Sunday's? Even though I have more time on my hands and could be more responsible, I miss watching my Vikings. Come nicer weather, I'll be glad the season is on hiatus, but at the moment I'm missing it. Which is probably why, when I see anything that has to deal with the Minnesota Vikings right now I eat it up.
One of the latest Vikings posts that peaked my interest was a TikTok done by @emilymorgancreates. What she did was redesign the Minnesota Vikings logo. Now let me start off with saying, the Vikes are not getting a new logo. She specifically captioned the video "Minnesota Vikings *redesign* (these are just for funzies)". With that said, take a look at what she created.
@emilymorgancreates Minnesota Vikings ✨redesign✨ (these are just for funzies) #nfl #minnesotavikings #nfllogos #vikings #justinjefferson #football #footballtiktok #logoredesign #redesign #sportslogos #kirkcousins #griddydance #adobeillustrator #graphicdesign @vikings ♬ original sound - Sickickmusic
Naturally, like we do on social media. People had things to say. A lot of people calling her logo design "clean", "cool", "amazing", "dope" and more. But on the other side you have people saying it looks like a turkey or chicken up top and now you probably won't be able to un-see that. Even though we know, that's a Viking warrior helmet there.
A couple did suggest that she add purple or more purple to the design and then it'll really be legit. that would be about the only suggestion I'd put at it too. The real logo I love and don't want that going anywhere (and it's not). But I do like what she did here, especially with the MV being incorporated in so seamlessly, and I actually think it would be a cool secondary logo to put on fan gear, like sweatshirts, cups, hats and more.
Slap that on some merch and I guarantee it would get bought up. Clearly the girl has talent and she has peaked interest from many, even from some other pro teams. A few teams like the New York Giants and Philadelphia Eagles commented asking for her to take a go at their redesign. But I also noticed going through the comments our rivals the Detroit Lions posted:
"Still one left to do in that division..."
Curious about the Packers and the Bears and what she came up with? Packers logo redesign:
@emilymorgancreates Green Bay Packers logo redesign!! (as always these are just for funzies) #nfl #nfllogos #logoredesign #logodesign #packers #greenbay #greenbaypackers #cheesehead #football #graphicdesign #adobe #madewithenvato #logos ♬ metro spider to i cant save you - BucketJosh
Bears logo redesign:
@emilymorgancreates Chicago Bears logo redesign!!! (these are just for funzies) #nfl #nfllogos #chicagobears #bears #chicago #justinfields #logoredesign #sportslogoredesign #envatoelements #sportslogo #dabears #chitown #graphicdesign #logodesign #logodesignchallenge ♬ Bet on it -
The Bears is way better than the Packers...but to me the Vikes logo wins out! As a Vikes fan maybe I'm biased, but I don't think I'm wrong. Check out more of her work HERE if interested and let me know what you think of the "redesign" in our app. Do you like it?
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