UNDATED (WJON News) -- We are well into the severe weather season now, but so far strong storms have been few and far between in Minnesota.

Stearns County Emergency Management Director Erin Tufte says we have had no Tornado Warnings or Thunderstorm Warnings anywhere in the county so far this season.

The National Weather Service says they have issued just four Tornado Warnings across the state so far this year.

National Weather Service
National Weather Service

The fewest recorded since 1986 was nine back in 1990.

In more recent years, we had 100 Tornado Warnings issued last year, 45 in 2021, and 81 in 2020.

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As for Severe Thunderstorm Warnings, the National Weather Service has issued 40 so far this year across Minnesota.

National Weather Service
National Weather Service

The fewest on record since 1986 was 142 in back-to-back years in 1991 and 1992.

Last year there were 692 Thunderstorm Warnings issued in Minnesota, we had 329 in 2021, and 551 in 2020.

Of course, the lack of storms also means we've had a lack of rain.  We've recorded just one-inch of rain in St. Cloud going back to late April.  Parts of Stearns, Benton and Sherburn Counties are now in a severe drought.


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