Winter is just around the corner, and we know it's going to be a cold one. How do we know that? Because it's always cold! Farmer's Almanac predicts we'll have a normal cold, snowy, icy, Minnesota winter.

A Redditor who recently moved to Duluth asked for tips from locals so that he could be prepared for winter. He's never owned a home in a cold, winter climate, but he did spend some time growing up in the Chicago area before moving to Texas.

He knows the basics like winter hats, gloves, shovels, etc. It's the things he doesn't know about that he wants help with. The Minnesota Nice Redditors answered and gave him these suggestions.

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What have we missed in the list? Who else has moved here from a warmer climate and can offer their first-hand knowledge?

Good luck, and get ready. Winter is coming.

Things A Texan Needs To Survive Their First Minnesota Winter

New to town? Did you come here from a warmer climate? There was recently a Redditor who asked Duluthians what they needed to buy to prepare themselves for their first winter in Duluth. What would you add to the list?

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