With record attendance numbers in recent years, culminating in an all-time high of over 2.1 million attendees in 2019, a question arises: Has the Minnesota State Fair peaked?
Meteorologists are seeing things they never thought they would see, like water temperatures approaching 100 degrees and heat indices over 150 degrees - all symptoms of a warming climate
The El Nino pattern currently underway may quickly become a Super El Nino, keeping the Northland warmer and drier into next winter, with frequent outbreaks of "weather weirding".
If you're sneezing more than you can ever remember there's a good explanation: pollen and ragweed season is more than a month longer now than it was in 1970.
If you're sneezing more than you can ever remember there's a good explanation: pollen and ragweed season is more than a month longer now than it was in 1970.
Minnesota car dealers argued the method used by the Walz administration to enact be stricter vehicle emission standards violated the state constitution.
Our weather over the Northland is stuck in an early March-like pattern. How much of this is natural, "normal" versus evidence of rapid changes thousands of miles upwind, over the Arctic?