So, you are sitting there, minding your own business, just doing your job.  Which, let's be honest, might involve getting into someone else's business. And someone gets very upset with your job, and what it entails, that they just run over your personal belongings

That's not right.

Here is the situation. I think that everyone knows that you cannot go from lake to lake in Minnesota without cleaning your boat before getting into the waters of another lake.  The reason is to cut down or eliminate the cross contamination of invasive aquatic species.  There is someone who's job it is to inspect the boats to make sure everyone is doing their part.

Someone in Northern Minnesota on Lake Winnibigoshish or Lake Winnie didn't take to kindly to having an inspection and actually ran over the inspector's chair.  The daughter of the inspectors posted about it on Facebook.


According to the post, this particular fisherman was upset that he had to change the minnow water he had before entering the lake.  Or perhaps it was when he was leaving the lake, but either way, he needed to change it.

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This inspector is in his 70s and his family is very upset, and rightly so.

As we said... some people need some anger management.  And in this case, they probably need to replace the chair that they ran over.  And make a big apology too.  Then go to some anger management classes.  Just sayin'.  There was no "Minnesota Nice" in this situation.

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