Violating These Minnesota Winter Laws Could Result in Big Fines
11 Winter Rules Everyone Living in Minnesota Should Know
Minnesota winters can be downright brutal sometimes. But everyone knows the crazy cold and seemingly endless snowfall wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for that wicked wind, right? And how fun is it when 6 pm feels like the middle of the night thanks to daylight saving time and early sunsets?
READ MORE: 9 Cozy Winter Cabins in Minnesota that You Have to Visit
With the snow, ice, frigid temperatures, and extended darkness, we have learned how to adapt and keep moving. But surviving winter isn’t just about layering up and drinking warm beverages all day, there are also a few extra rules and regulations in place during Minnesota winters to keep everyone safe and society running smoothly through the toughest season of the year.
Minnesota has specific winter laws that everyone should know. If you’ve lived here for years, consider this a helpful refresher. And if you’re new to the North Star State, be sure to take note of these important rules so you're not left out in the cold.
RELATED: Minnesota's Cold Weather Rule - Everything You Need to Know
11 Minnesota Winter Laws and Rules to Remember to Avoid Costly Fines
Gallery Credit: Minnesota Now
Keep scrolling to see a variety of winter tips from the National Weather Service including "sneaky winter hazards" you should know about.
Winter Weather Tips From the National Weather Service
Gallery Credit: National Weather Service
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