Minnesota has a lot of really amazing people.  Ok, maybe not that annoying co-worker who eats tuna every day at work but we do have this sense of kindness and just overall helpful attitude towards one another.  I mean, this IS the land of "Minnesota Nice" and where people at 4-way stops always wave and let you go first.  It is what we do.

Unfortunately, some people in our state are showing a little too much kindness and have helped land Minnesota on a Top 20 list that isn't one our moms would be proud of.

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Minnesota's Dirty Secret: 2 Popular Towns Also Top Spots For Infidelity

If you haven't heard, two towns in the Land of 10,000 Lakes are in the top 20 spots in the United States for having an affair.

Top 20 Cities in the United States for Affairs

During the pandemic, Ashley Madison, which is a well-known dating site, sent out a survey and found out that 64% of their participants had affairs while our world was shutdown due to COVID. Most people automatically assume Las Vegas is on the list, which it did come in at #4. But most would never imagine that a huge state in the midwest also showed up, not just once but twice!

Gallery Credit: Jessica Williams

READ MORE: 10 Reasons Why Minnesota Is Better Than Iowa

Jessica Williams
Jessica Williams
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Wait?!  I thought Las Vegas Would Be at the Top of the List for Infidelity

Vegas is known as Sin City so obviously I thought it would land that #1 spot without a problem.  Fox8 in Las Vegas reported on the story and shared a statement that it isn't shocking to see the city on the list, but it is a bit shocking to see it come in at #4 on the list.

If you are in denial about this list and want to dig in a bit more, you can read more about the survey that was done a few years ago about infidelity here.

READ MORE: Top 15 Things You Must See When You Visit Las Vegas, Nevada

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18 Annoying Things that People in the Midwest are Doing

You know those Post-it notes that you used to put up on your mirrors or around your house to remind you of different things. Well, some people in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin could use a whole pile of those to put up all over their world because they need some refreshers on a few basic things. Most are about driving but there are a few other moments in life that you'll realize annoy you too.

Gallery Credit: Jessica Williams