The new season of 'Love is Blind' is coming to Netflix on Valentine's Day. Each season of the show follows singles who are all from the same state looking for love. This upcoming season follows singles from Minnesota!

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How Does 'Love is Blind' Work?

In case you're new to 'Love is Blind', it all starts at a studio in Santa Clarita, CA. The guys live together on one side and the girls live together on the other.

The singles will then go into what are called pods to date other singles. The catch is that they can't see each other. The whole purpose is to fall for someone's personality and not their looks. Hence the title 'Love is Blind'.

the pods in netflix's show love is blind
Netflix, YouTube

The singles will date in the pods for a week and then they'll pick the person they feel they could truly see a future with. Then they engaged... without ever seeing each other! That's when the big reveal comes.

After getting engaged there will be a big moment where the couple will see each other for the first time. Yay!

the big reveal on netflix's show love is blind
Netflix, YouTube

After that, all of the final couples will be sent on a week-long vacation together so they can see if the emotional connection and physical connection can align. This is also when everyone gets to see each other for the first time.

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After the week away, couples move back to their home state to share an apartment set up by Netflix. They go about their lives, see their friends and family, and get together with fellow cast members. This is where the couples see if they can stick together through normal, daily life.

At the end of it all there's a wedding where to couples decide if they're going to get married or not.

It's very dramatic and I love it! I'm so excited for the new season to come out.

Minnesota 'Love is Blind' Cast

Like I mentioned, the upcoming season features all Minnesota singles, and the full cast was just revealed. I looked through everyone and I'm a little sad I didn't recognize anyone, but maybe you will!

women of the new cast of love is blind from minnesota
Love is Blind (Netflix) / Canva

Amanda - 43 - District Retail Manager

Ashley - 28 - Client Success Manager

Brittany - 35 - Partnership Executive

Casandra - 30 - Hairstylist

women of the new cast of love is blind from minnesota
Love is Blind (Netflix) / Canva

Kylie - 28 - Medical Student

Lauren - 31 - Educational Sales

Madison - 28 - Artist

Meg - 31 - Oncology Nurse

women of the new cast of love is blind from minnesota
Love is Blind (Netflix) / Canva

Molly - 30 - Executive Assistant

Monica - 28 - Digital Marketing

Sara - 29 - Oncology Nurse

Taylor - 32 - Colonoscopy Nurse

women of the new cast of love is blind from minnesota
Love is Blind (Netflix) / Canva

Tiera - 34 - Marketing Strategist

Vanessa - 31 - Media Planner

Virginia - 34 - Healthcare Recruiter

Yemi - 30 - Product Sales Manager

men of the new cast of love is blind from minnesota
Love is Blind (Netflix) / Canva

Adam - 33 - Fashion Director/Co-Owner

Andrew - 27 - Realtor

Alex - 29 - Commercial Real Estate Broker

Ben - 28 - Developer

men of the new cast of love is blind from minnesota
Love is Blind (Netflix) / Canva

Benji - 26 - Entrepreneur/Realtor

Brad - 35 - Dentist

Brian - 30 - Wine Bar Owner

Daniel - 30 - Sales Account Executive

men of the new cast of love is blind from minnesota
Love is Blind (Netflix) / Canva

David - 33 - Medical Device Sales

Devin - 29 - Youth Director/Coach

Hugo - 30 - Marketing

Joey - 35 - Physician Associate

men of the new cast of love is blind from minnesota
Love is Blind (Netflix) / Canva

Mo - 35 - Property Manager

Mason - 33 - Cinematographer

Scott - 34 - Project Manager

Tom - 38 - Management Consultant

Highest-paying jobs in Minnesota that don't require a college degree

Stacker ranked the 50 highest-paying jobs in Minnesota that don't require a college degree, using annual compensation data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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