Top 5 Foods Kids in Minnesota Hate Now and Back in the Day
Growing up, we all had that one meal that someone spent tons of time on but when it came time to shove it down our throats, every second was torture. Sorry to do this, but we all have them...memories of sitting at a table being told to "eat everything on your plate" but you know if you do, you are going to throw up.

TRUTH HURTS: Kids Don't Always Want To Eat the Foods That Moms Make
No offense to any mom out there for these meals (including my own!). We know you slaved in the kitchen for hours and many times the food was created on a budget. We all have unique taste buds though and just because you like sauerkraut does NOT mean that my taste buds are going to embrace it.
Put the hurt aside that this list might cause and just use these as a template of what not to cook ever again.
Top 5 Foods Kids in Minnesota Hate Now and Back In The Day
I love stuffed peppers but most of the world disagrees. Starting our Top 5 list of worst foods to eat as a kid is this colorful array of stuffed peppers.
#4 on the list of the worst foods we had to eat as a kid was Beef Stroganoff.
I'm a bit shocked this didn't come in at #1 just for the look of it alone, but nope, Goulash came in at #3.
Coming in at #2 on the list...French Toast
And the #1: Liver and Onions
What Foods Did You Hate to Eat as a Kid?
For me, I had a horrible time with French toast. No idea why. It is still a mystery to me. I love bread. I eat eggs all the time. Still, I just can’t. I’ll gag. It was a bit reassuring to see that I’m not the only one out there who has an issue with French toast. (If any of you need a support person…send me a message on Instagram or my Facebook page anytime! I will stand up to the French toast with you!)
LOOK: Minnesota's 25 Most Fatal Highways
Gallery Credit: Stacker