What is the deal with people in Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota putting cat litter in their car windows?

Someone was just telling me that they knew of family members who would put cat litter in their vehicle windows or even just in the backseats.

Why People In Minnesota Putting Cat Litter In Car Windows-Getty Thinkstock
Why People In Minnesota Putting Cat Litter In Car Windows-Getty Thinkstock

I had never heard of this. I asked why would someone do that.

They claimed it was a wintertime window anti-fogging hack.

Why People In Minnesota Putting Cat Litter In Car Windows-Getty Thinkstock
Why People In Minnesota Putting Cat Litter In Car Windows-Getty Thinkstock

Over on Reddit LifeProTips posted this...

“Growing with harsh winters, inside frost is what I consider the worst, doing this prevents the inside of your windows from fogging up and avoids that annoying inside frost.

The litter will absorb the moisture created from the melting snow inside your car, preventing the humidity from sticking to your windows and freezing overnight.

Simply fill a cotton sock with litter, tape it shut, and leave it in your car, place it on the dashboard for best results.”

Why People In Minnesota Putting Cat Litter In Car Windows-Getty Thinkstock
Why People In Minnesota Putting Cat Litter In Car Windows-Getty Thinkstock

Foggy, frosty windows are a problem during the long cold winter months in Minnesota, Iowa, and South Dakota.

I think I am going to try this!

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