Wisconsin Named One Of The Most Hungover States In The U.S.
Well, this isn't great. There is no worse feeling than waking up in the morning with a hangover from too much fun the night before. We have all been there but it seems those in Wisconsin have been there more than the rest of the country.
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A new study revealed the most hungover states, revealing in the process that Wisconsin is in the top ten when it comes to waking up with a bad one. The study was done by BetKentucky.com, which looked at six different factors to rank each state by most hungover to least hungover.
Where Does Wisconsin Rank And Why?
Sadly, Wisconsin came in at number six, meaning that Wisconsinites are the sixth most hungover in the entire country. Wisconsin does have a reputation for loving alcohol so this isn't too surprising. Yikes.
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Wisconsin ranked high due to a bunch of factors, including a high percentage of the adult population searching for hangover cures and remedies. Another factor bumping Wisconsin to the top of the list is the number of bars per 100,000 people.
What Factors Were Used In This Study?
Aside from the two factors already mentioned, this study looked at the following:
- The percentage of people who admitted to binge drinking
- The number of beer, wine and liquor stores per 100,000 people
- The number of wineries, distilleries and and breweries per 100,000 people
- Alcohol consumption in gallons per capita
Which States Are The Most + Least Hungover?
There must be something about the midwest! The Dakotas both cracked the top five, with North Dakota coming in at number one. Montana came in second, with Vermont and New Hampshire rounding out the top five. Utah, Maryland and Alabama are the least hungover states.
What About Minnesota?
I thought Minnesota would score way higher on the list but we came in at number twenty-nine, meaning we aren't the most hungover but we also aren't the least hungover. Maybe that's because we cross state lines when we want a good time?