A community in Wisconsin is taking advantage of an empty high school to train their first responders. The training exercise consists of police, fire department, EMTs, and others in a rescue task force (RFT).

The Police and Fire Departments wisely decided to inform the public ahead of time that they would see emergency vehicles at the high school during the exercises, and to not be alarmed.

It's taking place on February 15th at the Superior High School, located at 2600 Catlin Avenue.

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The Superior Police Department says the goal of the Rescue Task Force is for law enforcement to work hand in hand with emergency medical services to provide basic medical care to victims during an active threat situation.

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The goal of the RFT ultimately is to sharpen skills and instill confidence in personnel so that they will be able to save as many lives as they can in a real-life scenario.

As a parent of a student at this high school, I'm glad they are doing the training. At the same time, I'm disgusted that this is something that we need to train and prepare for in modern times.

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The exercise took place just two days after a large police and emergency vehicle presence was at a nearby school. Proctor Police responded to a report of a student with a gun at the high school.

It turns out that there was no gun and eyewitnesses were mistaken when they saw a student they believed was handling a firearm. Of course, it's always better to err on the side of caution, and every threat should be reported, but it was a very tense few hours for the community.

The Mayo Clinic Ambulance team will also be participating in the exercises. Both Superior Fire and Superior Police posted the information on their Facebook pages.

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Gallery Credit: Stacey Marcus


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