How Many Minnesota Motorcycle Fatalities Have There Been In 2023?
In the Duluth and Superior area we've certainly had an interesting spring so far with weather.
Massive snowfall has led to flooding issues, and as I type this it's currently snowing again in Superior, WI. The last few days have been bummer temps when we were teased with just shy of 80 degrees early last week. It's an extra disappointment for motorcycle riders jonesing to get back on the roads.
While I did see quite a few out last week, it's still too early for me with the sand on the roads. Also, with the crazy winter rain mixed with freezing and thawing, the Twin Ports area potholes are the worst I can remember seeing in my life.
With having those recent warmer temps and bikes being out, I was curious as to if there were any fatalities for 2023 yet in Minnesota.
2022 saw 82 motorcycle fatalities, in 2021 it was 69, and 2020 was 64. At the time of writing this, the current report on the Minnesota Department of Public Safety page states we have zero motorcycle fatalities for 2023.
That's of course good news, and in 2022 we only had one by the end of April. May, June, and July are usually the worst months for motorcycle fatalities.
Here's to hoping the month of April stays at zero, and with the current weather conditions it will deter people from being out. If you do go out riding even after these April snow events happen, just keep in mind how slippery sand can be, especially in the corners. Also, just because it only looks wet, you could be dealing with some ice on the roads in some areas. Ride safe, and here's to a great 2023 riding season...if winter ever ends.
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