Everyone needs some positivity in their lives. There is so much crime that gets reported, everyone is tired of the endless winter, even people who absolutely live for all of the winter sports that are so Minnesota are ready for a change.  The one good thing is that sometimes the snow if filling the potholes  But that creates more of the problem...that's another conversation.

This is about Dino the Dinosaur who has been brightening people's lives for decades.

Dino the Dinosaur is located at the Sinclair station off of Hwy 169 in Champlin.  He is the most stylish dinosaur that you will probably ever see in your life.

Every season, or holiday, Dino is dressed in a new outfit.

From KSTP in Minneapolis:

...owner Diana Merkl dresses Dino the Dinosaur.

“We got him probably over 20 years ago,” Merkl said.

During every holiday, Merkl dresses Dino in a colorful costume to celebrate the season. Dino’s also a big fan of all Minnesota sports teams.

You can see the comments from people on KSTP's Facebook page talking about how Dino is something that they have noticed and look forward to seeing each time his outfit changes.  And that he is a staple that brings smiles to people's faces as they drive by.  It's always good to hear that people are smiling at something instead of complaining about something, which is the norm lately.

Why does owner, Diana Merkl do this?  She does have a personal reason to try and bring joy to the world.

“Many years ago, I had cancer, and that changed my whole life perspective,” Merkl said. “If I can make you smile, I serve my purpose on earth today that I’m here one more day.”

Bringing joy to others can definitely bring you some happiness as well.  Let's continue to spread some joy.  And if you happen to be on 169 in Champlin, give a little wave to Dino the Dinosaur.

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