I've lived here for nearly 20 years, and I never knew that there were beaches past the dump. I always assumed that the road was for the dump or city utilities. Besides, everyone turns left before the dump to get to Wisconsin's real hidden treasure: Wisconsin Point.

The last time I was out at Wisconsin Point, I decided to see where that road would take me. So I drove on Moccasin Mike Road past the Superior Landfill Facility.

Ken Hayes
Ken Hayes

The pavement ended, and it got really bumpy. But, I was surprised to see that it was actually plowed by the city. I continued slowly.

Ken Hayes
Ken Hayes

There's actually a welcome sign a way down the road for Schafer's Beach & Dutchman's Creek. It asks that you pack out what you pack in to keep it clean. It also directs you to keep your vehicle on the roadway and there's a no-vehicle curfew.

The road got even worse, but I continued with my truck until I saw an intersection for Lakeshore Road.

Ken Hayes
Ken Hayes

At the end of Lakeshore road, there are concrete barriers preventing you from driving onto the beach. The beach is very large and wide, and pretty darn quiet. Not many people come out this way.

Ken Hayes
Ken Hayes

I got back in the truck and turned around and continued down the road to see what this Dutchman's Creek was all about. It got to be a very steep hill on an icy corner. The creek was off to the right (South).

Ken Hayes
Ken Hayes

The road goes downhill for a bit and then there is another parking area with a pretty terrific view.

Ken Hayes
Ken Hayes

I'm going to have to come down to this section in the summer. Wisconsin Point isn't as nearly as busy as Minnesota's Park Point, but it still gets a lot of visitors. This area is relatively hidden, and would be a great private spot!

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